HW due 6/8: PBA

1. PBA–Keep in mind that you should bring in a working draft of your essay tomorrow. Looking ahead to your Poetry PBA Portfolio, start thinking about your main opinion, or thesis, about your poet’s work. Some good questions to ask yourself as you read:

  • What themes do you notice in your poet’s work?
  • Where and how do these themes appear?
  • Which poems you’ve read most clearly show these themes?
  • What techniques (poetic devices, style, language, etc.) does this poet use most often, and how do they affect the poems?
  • What effect do they have?  In other words, how do they shape and change your reading of the poems?
  • What tone, or mood do you get from these poems? How do they make you feel?

Take some notes on your answers to these questions, and start coming up with an opinion about your poet’s work. Ultimately, your thesis will include a claim about your poet and his/her work. Again, this claim should be informed by research but more importantly, informed by what you see in the poetry.

Your PBA will include:

  • A 1-2 page mini-bio of your poet.
  • A 5-7 page foreword that introduces and analyzes the work of your poet. In this analysis you should demonstrate great control of your poet’s work. (First draft due June 8th!)
  • The 6 poems (untouched) chosen for this project.
  • Two original poems mirroring your poet’s style.

2. Index cards…One index card per student! Remember, do not write your name on the index card; only write the name of each student on the back. Class Lists:  [Read more…]

HW due 6/6: Poet Study

1. Looking ahead to your Poetry PBA Portfolio, start thinking about your main opinion, or thesis, about your poet’s work. Some good questions to ask yourself as you read:

  • What themes do you notice in your poet’s work?
  • Where and how do these themes appear?
  • Which poems you’ve read most clearly show these themes?
  • What techniques (poetic devices, style, language, etc.) does this poet use most often, and how do they affect the poems?
  • What effect do they have?  In other words, how do they shape and change your reading of the poems?
  • What tone, or mood do you get from these poems? How do they make you feel?

Take some notes on your answers to these questions, and start coming up with an opinion about your poet’s work. Ultimately, your thesis will include a claim about your poet and his/her work. Again, this claim should be informed by research but more importantly, informed by what you see in the poetry.

Your PBA will include:

  • A 1-2 page mini-bio of your poet.
  • A 5-7 page foreword that introduces and analyzes the work of your poet. In this analysis you should demonstrate great control of your poet’s work. (First draft due June 8th!)
  • The 6 poems (untouched) chosen for this project.
  • Two original poems mirroring your poet’s style.

Entire PBA due June 10th!

2. Final Poem of the Term! Theme: High School. As for rhyme and rhythm, that is completely up to you. Just as you have been doing all term, I want you to put deliberate thought into the creation of each line of verse. The poem must be complemented by either a visual (i.e. painting, drawing, film, dance, photo, etc.), sound (i.e. instrument, beat boxing, etc.), or prose. This is due Tuesday!

3. Index Cards–You will need at least 40 index cards. It is important that the index cards be exactly like the ones linked (i.e. White, lined, 3×5)

HW: Poet Study and Essence Poem

Hello folks! Tomorrow we have a group presentation–Beat Poetry

1. Essence Poems–Due May 24th!

2. Looking ahead to your Poetry PBA Portfolio, start thinking about your main opinion, or thesis, about your poet’s work. Some good questions to ask yourself as you read:

  • What themes do you notice in your poet’s work?
  • Where and how do these themes appear?
  • Which poems you’ve read most clearly show these themes?
  • What techniques (poetic devices, style, language, etc.) does this poet use most often, and how do they affect the poems?
  • What effect do they have?  In other words, how do they shape and change your reading of the poems?
  • What tone, or mood do you get from these poems? How do they make you feel?

Take some notes on your answers to these questions, and start coming up with an opinion about your poet’s work. Ultimately, your thesis will include a claim about your poet and his/her work. Again, this claim should be informed by research but more importantly, informed by what you see in the poetry.

Your PBA will include:

  • A 1-2 page mini-bio of your poet.
  • A 5-7 page foreword that introduces and analyzes the work of your poet. In this analysis you should demonstrate great control of your poet’s work. (First draft due June 7th!)
  • The 6 poems (untouched) chosen for this project.
  • Two original poems mirroring your poet’s style.

Entire PBA due June 10th!

HW due 5/10: Poet Study

1. Hello there, folks! The first stage of the PBA is due Tuesday, May 10th. You must bring in 6 poems by your chosen/assigned poet. At least three should be annotated. They should all be read and annotated by the end of the week.

Looking ahead to your Poetry PBA Portfolio, start thinking about your main opinion, or thesis, about your poet’s work. Some good questions to ask yourself as you read:

  • What themes do you notice in your poet’s work?
  • Where and how do these themes appear?
  • Which poems you’ve read most clearly show these themes?
  • What techniques (poetic devices, style, language, etc.) does this poet use most often, and how do they affect the poems?
  • What effect do they have?  In other words, how do they shape and change your reading of the poems?
  • What tone, or mood do you get from these poems? How do they make you feel?

Take some notes on your answers to these questions, and start coming up with an opinion about your poet’s work.

Ultimately, your PBA will include:

  • A 1-2 page mini-bio of your poet.
  • A 5-7 page foreword that introduces and analyzes the work of your poet, including a strong claim (a thesis) about your poet and his/her work.  In this analysis you should demonstrate great control of your poet’s work.
  • The 6 poems (untouched) chosen for this project.
  • Two original poems mirroring your poet’s style.

HW due 5/3: Poet Study PBA

I hope you are all having a wonderful break!

1. Poetry Seminar PBA–Your PBA for this class will be a poet study! So, the first step is to choose at least 6 poems written by your poet. There are still a few of you who have not chosen poets. I will choose poets for you in the new week unless you let me know your choice before Tuesday!