HW due 6/13: PBA

INDEX CARDS–Be sure to have your index cards filled out for our wee brown bags! Remember, this is meant to be wonderfully positive and absolutely anonymous.

1. PBA–Comparative Essay

The following are due Monday:

  • TWO COPIES of your PBA essay (one for me and one for your partner)
  • All steps of the writing process including the edited first draft with your editor’s name clearly marked at the bottom of the first page.

Due the day of your presentation:

  • Index cards or notes showing that you have prepared for your opening 2 minute presentation.
  • Copy of your essay for YOU to refer to during the presentation.
  • Your partner’s essay with your notes/questions written on the essay.

Failure to have any of the above means you are not prepared for your presentation.

Expectations for your presentation:

The meeting will last for 20 minutes (10 min per student). The first 2 minutes belong to you. TAKE ME BEHIND THE SCENES OF YOUR ESSAY.

While it is interesting to hear you discuss your thesis and your development of the argument, I am more interested in the thought process behind the essay.  So organize your presentation in this fashion:

* Open with your thesis.

* Then, a little flashback.  Take us through the thought process that led to that argument.  Why did you choose those quotations?  How do they help in the development of your argument? Why that argument? What were some of the challenges along the way?  Etc.  All throughout, I expect you to demonstrate great control of the material. (most of the time should be spent here)

As you are articulating the hows and whys of your argument (i.e. why this argument, how you proved your argument), feel free to include any last minute points that you would have included had you more time. While you should prepare your notes/note cards for the meeting, I don’t want you reading to me. The notes/note cards are there to show me that you have prepared for the meeting and they are there as a last resort reminder.

* During the remaining time, I and your second assessor will ask you a series of questions. During this time we might:

  • Challenge an assertion
  • Question your application of Existentialism (if relevant)
  • Question your use of evidence. Ask questions if you don’t understand how the evidence is being used.
  • Ask that you clarify a point
  • Ask questions about the development of your thesis
  • Present counter arguments
  • Ask questions about your source material
  • Ask questions that give you an opportunity to demonstrate greater depth of control.

HW due 6/8: PBA and More

Wondering how to quote a play in your essay? Click this link!

1. First Drafts are due Tomorrow! These must be completed first drafts (4-5 pages) to receive full credit. Keep in mind, the better the first draft, the better the final draft (of course the reverse holds true as well) PBA–Keep in Mind: What is your frame of reference (This is the context within which you place the two things you plan to compare and contrast; it is the umbrella under which you have grouped them.)? What are your grounds for comparison (The rationale behind your choice of frame of reference)? What key literary element(s) do the authors use in order to convey the theme? How is the authors’ treatment of theme different/similar? How do the two novels compare/contrast in terms of how they convey the role of the individual in society? Why do they have similar and/or different views on this topic? In what light is society portrayed in both texts? How do the novels treat the theme of morality? How do the protagonists respond to their environments? How do the texts differ in their depiction of the human will to survive?

Possible Literary Elements (this is not an exhaustive list):
Language (figurative language, dialect, etc.)
Point of view
Cultural context (i.e., time period in which it was written, author’s background, etc.)

General Requirements:

  • 4-5 pages
  • Comparative or Critical Lens/Comparative

General Formatting:

  • Double-spaced; size 12 font; Times New Roman or similar
  • .75 margins on both left and right sides. Indentations– .5” or 1 tab space.
  • All pages beyond the first page should be numbered. Page numbers should be placed at the bottom right of each page.
  • No Cover Page. Include name, class/band, and date in upper left-hand corner of first page only
  • Be sure TITLE reflects the theme of the essay.
  • Include Title, Author, and General Theme of work in first paragraph of essay…For Example—Jean Paul Sartre’s No Exit
  • Follow MLA guidelines

Order of Arrangement:

  • Final Draft on top. Staple or fasten with a paperclip.
  • 1st Draft—with significant corrections made + name and signature of reader
  • Thesis and thesis process

Avoid the Following:

  • Avoid Pronouns: I, it, you, me, we, us
  • Avoid Troublesome language. DO NOT USE ANY of the following words: it, these, this, those, kind of, almost, seems, maybe, like, then, later, eventually, basically, so, many, a lot, things, due to the fact (or any variations of the fact that), in reality, very, really, forms of the verb “to be”
  • In the intro, nix all book-review commentary—i.e. “is fascinating, interesting…”
  • Be extremely careful with your use of all words…yet, for these words in particular, don’t think they are cheap: Truth, Beauty, Love, Nature, Reality

Keys to Good Writing:

  • Cohesion—Every sentence fits together; paragraphs flow smoothly. Ensure that the entire discussion comes together as one unified discussion of your text and its context.
  • Concision—Less is more. Use fewer words to explain yourself. Begin fusing sentences by merging ideas into tightly knit phrases.
  • Precision—Accuracy. Use words that accurately capture what you mean. Don’t settle for words or expressions that come close.
  • Coherence—Does your essay make sense? Are your ideas organized in a logical sequence? Do you prove your thesis? Do the parts contain the essence of the whole?

2. Index cards…One index card per student! Remember, do not write your name on the index card; only write the name of each student on the back. Class Lists:  [Read more…]

HW due 6/6: PBA

Index Cards–You will need at least 40 index cards. It is important that the index cards be exactly like the ones linked (i.e. White, lined, 3×5)

1. PBA–Keep in Mind: What is your frame of reference (This is the context within which you place the two things you plan to compare and contrast; it is the umbrella under which you have grouped them.)? What are your grounds for comparison (The rationale behind your choice of frame of reference)? What key literary element(s) do the authors use in order to convey the theme? How is the authors’ treatment of theme different/similar? How do the two novels compare/contrast in terms of how they convey the role of the individual in society? Why do they have similar and/or different views on this topic? In what light is society portrayed in both texts? How do the novels treat the theme of morality? How do the protagonists respond to their environments? How do the texts differ in their depiction of the human will to survive?

Possible Literary Elements (this is not an exhaustive list):
Language (figurative language, dialect, etc.)
Point of view
Cultural context (i.e., time period in which it was written, author’s background, etc.)

General Requirements:

  • 4-5 pages
  • Comparative or Critical Lens/Comparative

General Formatting:

  • Double-spaced; size 12 font; Times New Roman or similar
  • .75 margins on both left and right sides. Indentations– .5” or 1 tab space.
  • All pages beyond the first page should be numbered. Page numbers should be placed at the bottom right of each page.
  • No Cover Page. Include name, class/band, and date in upper left-hand corner of first page only
  • Be sure TITLE reflects the theme of the essay.
  • Include Title, Author, and General Theme of work in first paragraph of essay…For Example—Jean Paul Sartre’s No Exit
  • Follow MLA guidelines

Order of Arrangement:

  • Final Draft on top. Staple or fasten with a paperclip.
  • 1st Draft—with significant corrections made + name and signature of reader
  • Thesis and thesis process

Avoid the Following:

  • Avoid Pronouns: I, it, you, me, we, us
  • Avoid Troublesome language. DO NOT USE ANY of the following words: it, these, this, those, kind of, almost, seems, maybe, like, then, later, eventually, basically, so, many, a lot, things, due to the fact (or any variations of the fact that), in reality, very, really, forms of the verb “to be”
  • In the intro, nix all book-review commentary—i.e. “is fascinating, interesting…”
  • Be extremely careful with your use of all words…yet, for these words in particular, don’t think they are cheap: Truth, Beauty, Love, Nature, Reality

Keys to Good Writing:

  • Cohesion—Every sentence fits together; paragraphs flow smoothly. Ensure that the entire discussion comes together as one unified discussion of your text and its context.
  • Concision—Less is more. Use fewer words to explain yourself. Begin fusing sentences by merging ideas into tightly knit phrases.
  • Precision—Accuracy. Use words that accurately capture what you mean. Don’t settle for words or expressions that come close.
  • Coherence—Does your essay make sense? Are your ideas organized in a logical sequence? Do you prove your thesis? Do the parts contain the essence of the whole?

HW due 6/2: PBA Thesis

1. Class Forum–Post your PBA thesis! Bring in typed thesis and thesis process tomorrow!

HW due 5/18: Waiting for Godot and PBA

1. Waiting for Godot–First off, great job today! Read and annotate up to the bottom of p. 15. One final time (last text and all), I challenge you to approach this text with maturity and a keen literary eye in search of thematic understanding…Pay attention to the little things…You will have to read quite closely to discern any meaning…THIS WILL BE YOUR GREATEST CHALLENGE OF THE YEAR! 🙂

2. PBA Prep–You should choose your two texts for this comparative essay. What is the frame of reference? What are the grounds for comparison? (Remember, the grounds for comparison would be the similarities/differences you see in the author’s treatment of your frame of reference.