HW due 3/7: Confessional Poems and More

1. Print, read, and annotate the three poems below:

Two poems by Sylvia Plath:
Lady Lazarus

An intro to the Romantics: John Keats
Ode to a Nightingale

2. Confessional Poems due Thursday! Requirements:

  • Honest and Authentic
  • Free verse is fine
  • You must use stanzaic form
  • Pay attention to sound as you write
  • You must employ “painterly language” and literary devices (i.e. vivid imagery, metaphor, symbolism, motifs, etc)
  • Write from the inside out

3. Group Presentation Dates:

Romanticism  March 17 (We have to meet early this week)

Transcendentalism March 24

Imagism March 31

Harlem Renaissance April 7

Feminism April 14

Black Arts Movement April 21

Beat Poetry May 12

Spoken Word May 19


HW due 2/24: Confessional Poem

1. Confessional Poetry–The linked reading is quite brief, yet gives us a sense of the nature of confessional poetry. Read it closely please in preparation for your own confessional poem.  

2. 30 Word Poem–Due Thursday! Emphasis on arrangement of stanzas, punctuation, and the use of metaphor/imagery. Continue to avoid stale/trite images. Theme is up to you!

2. Poems by Anne Sexton (Print, Read, and Annotate for tomorrow):

3. (Looking Ahead) Writing Workshop:

  • In your poetry journal brainstorm subjects for your confessional poem. Broadly, the subject is you of course! But more specifically, what aspect(s) of YOU would you like to share via poetry?

HW due 10/19: Confessional Poems

1. Confessional Poems also due Monday! Free verse… No length requirement… Remember, to use your language to paint a series of images that capture your confession…

Use proper heading:

Sean Leon (your name of course)
Poetry Seminar
#2: Confessional Poem

2. Poetry Seminar Presentations begin October 29th. Print and Read the guidelines for the oral presentation and written submission. You must have these with you in class on Monday.

3. Have a great weekend!

HW due 10/15: Confessional Poems

1. Bring in a working draft of your confessional poem for Thursday. Remember, final drafts are due Monday.
2. Be sure to print out, read, and annotate the three Anne Sexton poems. Links are posted below.
3. Group presentation guidelines to be posted soon.

HW12G due 10/13: Confessional Poetry and Poetry Workshop

All due Tuesday, 10/13

1. Confessional Poetry–The linked reading is quite brief, yet gives us a sense of the nature of confessional poetry. Read it closely please in preparation for your own confessional poem.  

2. Writing Workshop:

  • In your poetry journal brainstorm subjects for your confessional poem. Broadly, the subject is you of course! But more specifically, what aspect(s) of YOU would you like to share via poetry?
  • Then, I would like you to begin to write your confessional poem. How much you write is up to you. Final drafts are due Thursday.

3. Poems by Anne Sexton: