Archives for December 2017

Due 12/7: Butterflies, Personal Narrative, and Class Forum

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate up to p. 185. Quiz on Thursday.

2. Personal Narrative–As soon as I am told of our exam day, I can tell you the due date for your narrative. At this point all I can tell you is that it is due at the earliest on 12/14. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rubric below.

3. Class Forum–Post your paragraph as a response to this thread (scroll to the bottom of the thread). Post it as it was written in class. I am interested in hearing from a pairing that had some disparity in scoring. We will use your paragraph in class to “talk it out.” So, any volunteers?

Due 12/5: 1984 and ASC

1. 1984–Read and annotate Ch. 2 of Part III.

2. ASC–Precis #2 and 3 are due by Friday.

As for the creative project, it should have consciousness and purpose as you create awareness.  It should be genuine. Ultimately, I expect that you will elevate and catalyze a dialogue relevant to your subject.

The following will be considered when assessing these:

  1. Project’s visual impact (The visual should be aesthetically pleasing…more simply, it should look amazing)
  2. The project should be informed by your research. It should reflect knowledge and understanding.
  3. Project is thoughtful (The visual should be so thoughtfully and carefully created so as to carry your commentary/message.)
  4. Project is well-designed/executed
  5. Project reflects exceptional effort.

VERY IMPORTANT: The visual alone should communicate the commentary/message. You should not have to rely on words! This is not to say that you cannot have language woven into the visual.

I expect your very best creative work here.  Know your creative strengths and weaknesses. If you are not a “natural” artist, improvise… Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. No excuses for mediocrity on this assignment.

Due 12/6: Butterflies and Personal Narrative

While Butterflies Ch. 7 is due Monday, I wanted to give you a heads up on what is due Wednesday, 12/6:

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate Chapter 8.

2. Quarterly Exam: Personal Narrative

In the spirit of Butterflies, we will share a bit of our own story, our personal narrative (4-6 pages). A couple of helpful documents:

This weekend, you should outline the beginning, middle, and end of your narrative (handwritten is fine). You should also be able to answer the following questions:

  • Where is your story set?
  • When does the story take place?
  • How does it begin?
  • How does it end?
  • Who are the primary characters?
  • What is the primary conflict? (if relevant)
  • What verb tense will you use? Why?
  • What Point of View will you use? Why?

Due 12/5: Butterflies and Personal Narrative

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate Chapter 8.

2. Quarterly Exam: Personal Narrative

In the spirit of Butterflies, we will share a bit of our own story, our personal narrative (4-6 pages). A couple of helpful documents:

This weekend, you should outline the beginning, middle, and end of your narrative (handwritten is fine). You should also be able to answer the following questions:

  • Where is your story set?
  • When does the story take place?
  • How does it begin?
  • How does it end?
  • Who are the primary characters?
  • What is the primary conflict? (if relevant)
  • What verb tense will you use? Why?
  • What Point of View will you use? Why?