Archives for February 9, 2016

HW due 2/10: Class Forum

1. Class Forum–Post forum response by midnight tonight and bring in printed copy tomorrow.

HW due 2/10: Slaughterhouse Five and Class Vocab

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Be prepared to discuss the novel’s ending.
2. Class Forum–Post vocab word following proper format.
3. Final Thesis (and supporting evidence) due Thursday (Friday for 10A).

HW due 2/10: Iambic Pentameter and More

1. Working with your assigned couplet, write one line of iambic pentameter continuing the couplet. Your line must be a thematic continuation of the original.

2.  Print, read, and annotate (including scan) the following two poems:

To the Virgins to Make Much of Time

Astrophil and Stella 2