Archives for October 16, 2015

HW due 10/19: Confessional Poems

1. Confessional Poems also due Monday! Free verse… No length requirement… Remember, to use your language to paint a series of images that capture your confession…

Use proper heading:

Sean Leon (your name of course)
Poetry Seminar
#2: Confessional Poem

2. Poetry Seminar Presentations begin October 29th. Print and Read the guidelines for the oral presentation and written submission. You must have these with you in class on Monday.

3. Have a great weekend!

HW due 10/19: The Bell Jar

1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate Chapters 7-9 (That means also read Chapter 9). Clink the link and print out (and read) the annotating tips handout.

2. Thesis Statement–Based upon your three MBV topic sentences, write a thesis statement and post it to the class forum. We will use these to learn about thesis statements for this class.

HW due 10/19: The Stranger

1. The Stranger–Read and annotate Chapters 1-3 of Part II. Keep in mind, the novel is a philosophical vehicle for Camus’ philosophy of the absurd.

2.  Advance notice: THE STRANGER ESSAY
First Draft due Tuesday, Oct. 26 (YOU MUST INCLUDE A WORKS CITED PAGE)
Final Draft due Thursday, Oct. 29
3 page literary/philosophical analysis of The Stranger. You are expected to use The Myth of Sisyphus as a complement to your discussion.  How does Sisyphus help us to understand Camus’ philosophy as communicated through Meursault?  IMPORTANT: While Sisyphus is used to give some form to the discussion (i.e. helping to shape the thesis), the discussion is focused on analysis of The Stranger.  While not necessary, I would encourage you to research Camus further to give you further context.  Folks, I expect this essay to demonstrate great thematic/philosophical control of  both texts.  Waiting till the night before is probably not a good idea.  Your reading responses and annotations should prove to be quite beneficial here.  This should be typed in font size 12 (times new roman  or arial).  You should have a title!!!  The title should reflect your thesis.