Archives for September 2014

HW10 due 9/24: Thesis Posting

1. Post your thesis on the class forum.

HW10 due 9/23: “The Minister’s Black Veil” and Vocab

1. The Minister’s Black Veil–Today, we discussed the symbolic meaning of the black veil. Ultimately, as we work toward thesis statements, we need to consider how multiple devices/elements work in concert to create greater meaning (i.e. theme).  An analysis of the use of symbolism is great and critical to a discussion of the short story as a whole, but you demonstrate greater mastery of the short story if you are able to discuss how multiple devices/elements work together to develop theme. For instance, one could argue that the theme of this story is only revealed once one explores how Hawthorne uses symbolism to shape conflict. Or, one could suggest that Hawthorne uses the symbolism of the veil to highlight the irony of Puritan morality. So, tonight (IN YOUR NOTES SECTION OF YOUR BINDER) you will write two statements demonstrating an understanding of how multiple of devices work together. After each statement, explain how you see the two working together.

Ex. #1: Hawthorne’s use of the black veil exposes the irony of Puritan morality.
Ex. #2: Hawthorne’s use of the black veil illuminates the community’s internal conflict.
Note: Put thought into all of this including verb choice as the verb establishes how you see the relationship between the two.

2. Vocab Forum Posting

HW10 due 9/22: The Minister’s Black Veil

1. Nathaniel Hawthorne–Research and take notes on our author. Know that when I collect binders, I expect to see the author notes in your binders (notes section).

2. The Minister’s Black Veil–Read and annotate. Remember, a point of focus for this text is annotating. What do we annotate and why.

HW12 due 9/19: Existentialism is a Humanism

1. Be prepared to present Sartre’s defense against your assigned reproach.

Weekend Homework:
1. Print out, read and annotate the following sections on Albert Camus:

  • Nuptials and Camus’s Starting Point
  • Suicide, Absurdity, and Happiness: The Myth of Sisyphus
  • Criticism of Existentialists
  • Happiness in Accepting One’s Fate

2. Read and annotate The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus in the Packet

3. The Stranger–Read and annotate chapters 1 and 2 of Part I. We will discuss Camus’ brand of absurdity on Monday but the weekend’s reading should give you the necessary framework to begin the novel. Read the novel AFTER the first two readings.

HW10 due 9/18: Forum Response

1. Forum Response–Remember, due by midnight and you MUST bring a copy of your response to class tomorrow. You must be sure to include Proper heading as well as number and title each response.