Archives for October 2014

HW12 due 11/3: Nausea

1. Nausea–Complete the novel! Make sure you have your copy of Nausea with you on Monday.

HW12 due 10/31: Nausea

Sorry I was out today! Migraines are killer!

1. Nausea–Please read and annotate up to p. 154. You are finishing the novel over the weekend! I smell a quiz, just in time for the end of the quarter!

2. Extra credit assignment due Nov. 7!

HW10 due 10/29: Politics and the English Language

1. Politics and the English Language(PEL)–Tomorrow, be prepared to thoroughly explore how Orwell develops his thesis. I expect to see you illustrate control of Orwell’s argument. There will be no small-group preparation; we will begin and end in whole group discussion. I cannot stress enough…you must keep in the fore of your mind the historical context from which PEL and 1984 were born.  In many ways, both texts serve as a response to the socio-economic-political situation of WWII Europe–a situation wherein people by the millions were disenfranchised, impoverished, and killed.  Accordingly, Orwell is considered to be one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century because of his response(s) to that situation.  Further, as stated in class, it is critical that we UNDERSTAND Orwell’s position. So, read not to contradict and confute, but to weigh and consider. ANNOTATE THOROUGHLY

2. Due Thursday! You should have your DETAILED outlines ready for peer review.  I am expecting a detailed breakdown of each body paragraph including (remember, this will be a 2-3 page essay):

  • topic sentence
  • evidence
  • ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE (very important)

Format your detailed outline in this way:

I. Thesis
II. Topic Sentence #1
A. Evidence #1
1. Discuss the evidence in 2-4 sentences

III. And so on…

HW12 due 10/30: Nausea

If you would like to edit an essay on The Stranger for extra credit, please email me at The essay must be edited for tomorrow. Thank you.

1. Nausea–Read and annotate up to p. 135. Focus: The Chestnut Tree. Philosophically, this may be the most important scene in the novel.

2. Extra Credit due Nov. 7. This is a visual extra credit assignment (i.e. film, photography project, painting, etc.)

HW12 due 10/28 (10/29 for 12G): Nausea

1. Nausea–Read and annotate up to p. 126.

2. EXTRA CREDIT! This is a creative VISUAL extra credit assignment.  This image or series of images should tell a story (a story that is connected to one of the themes below).  Each image should include a pithy existential narrative no more than 50 words in length (preferably closer to 30). If you think of all that we have read and discussed thus far and consider the scope of your theme, you can really get funky with this assignment!   Your visual must capture the essence of your theme!  The color of absence of color in the image is completely up to you.  All creative decisions are yours!  Just capture one of the existential themes below!  Feel free to connect your visual to a text read thus far in the term if you would like. The final submission will be scored based upon creative ingenuity and thematic relevance! Here you will see a sampling of past creative visuals submitted for this course. DUE NOVEMBER 7! 

The Individual in industrialized society
Faith and Existentialism (Anguish and Fear)
Atheistic Existentialism (Nothingness, despair, and suffering)
Authenticity and Bad Faith
Alienation and Absurdity
Personal Freedom (Individual Subjectivity)
Death and existence