Archives for December 14, 2013

HW10 Due 12/16 (12/17 for 10G): Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate up to p. 107
2. Goodreads–Remember to bring a printed copy to class.

3. Vocab Quiz–Wednesday, 12/18 for both classes
4. 1984 Essay (4-5 pages)–Final draft due 12/19 for both classes. You must also turn in your peer-edited first draft. Be sure to print out and read the rubric closely. Note about the rubric: The presentation category on the rubric actually includes issues of grammar and style. Finally, waiting until Wednesday night to fine tune your essay is a recipe for failure. [Read more…]

HW12 due 12/16: Steppenwolf and more…

1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to page 105. There will be another reading quiz on Monday. As a reminder, per your anecdotals, I am not accepting late work (unless you have a valid excuse). Please be aware of your grade via engrade as we near the end of the term.
2. We are nearing the end of the first term. Your final three projects for the course constitute the term final:

Clicking the above links will take you to project details. The creative final details and the insight paper details are in the same document.