Archives for January 2014

English 10 Note: Goodreads (Due 2/4)

Hello folks! I hope everyone is enjoying their PBA week/break. Really cool seeing you guys in passing the past few days… (Shout outs to Esmerelda, Gracie, Jordan, Sabrina, and Cameron/Gavin–although you failed miserably at the let’s ignore Mr. Leon game…)

Anyway, the first Goodreads prompt of the second term has been posted. Ensure that it is posted by midnight Monday night. Remember to read up to p. 82 in the novel! Take care…

HW12 due 1/27: Term Final (RETURN ALL NOVELS PLEASE)

Pay very close attention to the details!!!
1. Term Final–Final drafts due! You must also turn in your peer-edited first draft to earn credit for that draft! Write the name of your editor at the top of the page! Do not staple the first draft to the final draft; use a paperclip. I will be in Room B9, across from the college office from 10-3. You can either hand your term final (and peer-edited first draft) to me in person or leave it in my mail box. Do this before 3! [Read more…]

10G/H Reminders and HW

Monday, January 27th
Hours: 10-12 and 1-3 (note that I will be having lunch between 12 and 1). I will have a wee 2-4 minute chat with each of you.
Where: In the basement, Room B9, the room directly across from the college counselors office (Our classroom will be used for tests) [Read more…]

Existential Rap

Special thanks to the artist, Caleb “Brooklyn” Bloomfield, Beacon Class of 2011.

HW10 due 1/21: The Alchemist

1. The Alchemist–Read and annotate up to page 25.
2. Satire/Parody Project–Monday, Jan. 27th. Remember this is your term final, so treat it as such.
3. (10G) Continue with our Build a Paragraph exercise… This weekend you should add at least two sentences of analysis/insight to your paragraph. Keep in mind your topic and evidence (from class).  I will ask that you share these with the class via our new electronic gizmo…you will see. [Read more…]