Archives for November 25, 2013

Sample Thesis Process: The Dirty

This is a photo of the process for a thesis on a comparative essay featuring 1984 and Night. I just want you to have a sense of what the process “looks like.” 20131125-192831.jpg

HW10 Due 11/26 (11/27 for 10G): Thesis

1. 1984 Thesis–Tonight, you are to retool your thesis statements…both of them. Go back to the writing process to ensure that you ultimately end up with clearly stated points of analysis and an ARGUMENT. While several of you had great processes that reflected your thought process leading up to your thesis, others simply had a handwritten version of their thesis (or at least a slight variation). This is not good enough and, as far as I am concerned, you did not put thought/effort into your thesis. Interestingly, these are the same people who fail to meet other nuances of the course (i.e. annotating). So, get it together…

HW12 due 11/26 (11/27 for 10F): Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read the preface! (up to page 22) Annotate as you read (using post its) or after in your notebook!
2. Carl Jung–Be sure you have read and annotated the relevant sections of the Carl Jung reading.
3. Goodreads (Due by Midnight tomorrow night)