Archives for November 28, 2016

Due 11/29: 1984 and More

1. 1984–You should complete Part 1 (p. 104) for Tuesday, 11/29. Quiz tomorrow!

2. Class Forum–Post entire Bell Jar essay.

3. Art as Social Commentary–The next two precis are due 12/1. The final creative piece is due 12/12. Keep in mind when choosing sources: Do not choose three sources that communicate the same information. The three sources should work together to provide you with added depth of understanding of your issue. You must include the source article (including highlights/underlines) and you must have a title. Sample title (title should be centered):

Precis: (Title of Article)

Based on your first precis, here are some thoughts:

  • Precis should be SINGLE SPACED.
  • Some of you still get the heading wrong. Now that we are in the second quarter, you are now penalized every time you get it wrong. Pay attention to the little things.
  • You must turn in a hard copy of your source with the precis. I cannot grade it otherwise. Be sure the hard copy is highlighted/underlined. I want to get a sense of your engagement with the original source.
  • Your precis should not be one paragraph. Use paragraphs to organize the source details in your precis.

Due 11/29: Imagism and Metaphysical Poets

1. Read the two poems and complete the written assignment. NEED SOMEONE FROM THE GROUP TO EMAIL ME THE DETAILS.

2. Metaphysical Poets–We will also review the metaphysical homework.

Read two out of these four poems:
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
The Collar by George Herbert
The Garden by Andrew Marvell
They Are All Gone Into the World of Light by Henry Vaughan
How do the roots “meta” and “physical” become significant when applied to these poets?