Archives for June 15, 2016

Cover Letter

1. Cover Letter (instructions below)

One or two pages
Single-spaced, with a double spaces between paragraphs
Letter format addressed to (top left hand corner):

Sean Leon
The Beacon School
522 W. 44th St.
New York, NY 10036

Sign the letter!

Three paragraphs in all (with an optional 4th opening paragraph)!

Para #1: Optional! A brief introductory paragraph that introduces the purpose of the letter and introduces the contents of the portfolio. Get funky creative in introducing the letter. Leave a trace of your personality here.

Para #2: Which creative piece are you submitting for your PBA? Discuss the creative inspiration behind your creative piece. Take me through that process as well. If you are submitting a group project it is imperative to detail your contributions to the final project.

Para #3: Discuss the process of writing the essay focusing on what you believe to be the strengths and weaknesses of the essay. Address how those weaknesses could be addressed. Address the following questions about the comparative essay: What do you think you did well on this assignment? What do you think you could have done better with this assignment?

Para #4: A concluding paragraph (and most important paragraph) that reflects on the year as a whole. You must reflect on yourself as an English student at this point in high school. What do you need to work on in the future? Where do you go from here? How have you developed over the course of this year? I could go on and on; I think you get the idea for this final paragraph. Optionally, you can reflect on your Self at this point in your journey through life. In short this paragraph is about YOU!