Archives for December 2015

HW due 12/21: Feminist Poetry

1. Be sure to have your Beat poems ready for Monday!
2. If we are to spend time next week getting to know the poet, then you should prepare questions this weekend. So, each of you should write at least 10 questions for your peers. The more thoughtful the questions, the more rewarding the experience. Again, at least 10 questions. Avoid questions like, “What is your favorite cereal?” 🙂
3. Using the three emotions/words received in class, write a poem incorporating themes of feminism and these words.
Read and annotate A Woman Speaks by Audre Lorde

HW due 12/21: The Trial

1. The Trial–Read and annotate “Initial Inquiry” and “In the Empty Courtroom/The Student/The Offices.” This is about a 40 page reading so try not to wait until Sunday night to read. Quiz Monday.
2. Insight Papers are due Wednesday! Be sure to follow guidelines.

HW due 12/21: Writing Workshop

1. 1984 Writing Prep–In class we came up with a healthy list of devices/elements worth analyzing. This weekend I want you to create at least three “marriages” of those devices. For each “marriage” you should pair at least two devices that work together (But feel free to bring more than two together in marriage. Hey, we are progressive!).  For each of the three marriages, you must explain in detail why you paired/grouped them.

For instance, I might bring the paperweight and Winston’s internal conflict together. I think have to explain how the two have a meaningful marriage. Perhaps, Orwell uses the paperweight to illustrate the evolution of Winston’s internal conflict. If so, then why does that evolution matter? What is the greater significance?

Or, perhaps I marry manipulation of language (i.e. newspeak), manipulation of thought, and the motif of dreams. Why this trio? How does one help to inform the other? Do the three work together in the development of theme? If so, how?

2. Intro Review–You were given a handout with two sample 1984 introductions. Both introductions are well done!  This weekend read the first and note the positive elements of the intro. Why would I say it is done well? Why is the intro necessary? We are very good at identifying weaknesses in the writing of others; now, let’s see if we can find strengths.

HW due 12/17: The Trial

1. The Trial–Complete the Chapters “Arrest” and “Conversation with Frau Grubach…”

HW due 12/16: Creative Final!

1. Creative Finals are due tomorrow! I can’t wait to see what you’ve created!
To earn an A on the Creative Project, your project must:

  • Entice audience with original, innovative and daring use of ideas, images, language, plot and various literary or visual devices
  • Demonstrate a clear purpose that is accessible to the audience
  • Demonstrate expert use of literary and/or artistic form and devices
  • Demonstrate powerful use of sensory images
  • Demonstrate excellent effort and profundity

Artist’s statement:

Why did you choose to represent this piece in this way? Here discuss the technical decisions in creating your image (i.e. lighting, composition, etc.)

How does the creation of art make you feel? What emotions do you wish to convey? Here, you also connect the image back to the course (textual connection, thematic connection, etc).  Discuss how your creative project is thematically relevant.  What message are you trying to convey to the viewer/reader?