Archives for October 14, 2014

HW10 due 10/16: The Bell Jar/Forum Response

1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate Chapters 13 and 14.
2. Class Forum

HW12 due 10/16: Experience More Clearly

1. Experience More Clearly–Read the article entitled “Are You as Distracted as I Am?” linked to the left in my Twitter feed. Then over the next two days, work on experiencing the moments of your life more clearly. Over the next two days, be present in the moments of your life without expectation, judgement, anticipation, etc. Allow the moments to be the end and not merely a means to an end (which only becomes a means to another end and so on). If this is too difficult, then at least take this approach to one experience over the next two days. Then, on Wednesday night, write about the experience in your binder. There is no grade attached to this…only a new experience potentially.  I ask that you authentically apply yourself to the experience.

2. Nausea–We begin reading Thursday night, so please try to buy a copy if you can. I have about 40 copies on hand.