Archives for September 2013

HW10, Due 9/24 (9/25 for 10G): Lady Lazarus

1. You will read and explicate two Sylvia Plath Poems over the next couple of days.  Tonight, we read and explicate Lady Lazarus.  Be sure to print out this poem and bring it to class.  Explicate the poem on the printed page.  More than any author thus far, the writer’s life (context) is key to fully understanding her work. [Read more…]

HW12, Due 9/23: Precis of That Individual

1. Much apologies for my absence today!  Hopefully, the sub gave you the necessary start for your weekend precis.  From the handout:

A precis (form both singular and plural, pronounced “pray—see”) is a brief summary of the essential thought of a longer composition.  It attempts to provide a miniature of the original selection, reproducing the same proportions on smaller scale, the same ideas, and the same mood and tone, so far as possible.  The writer of a precis cannot interpret or comment; his or her sole function is to give a reduced photograph of the original author’s exact and essential meaning.  [Read more…]

HW10, Due 9/23 (9/24 for 10G): Paragraph and Plath

1. You have written two topic sentences. We have spent time focusing on the observation and the argument in our topic sentences.  This weekend you will choose one of the two topic sentences and develop that paragraph.  This will carry more weight than the topic sentence grade and also be counted as a project/essay grade.  In short, ensure that this paragraph represents your very best work at this point.  [Read more…]

HW10, Due 9/19 (9/20 for 10G)

Post your topic sentences on the Goodreads Discussion forum.  Post in YOUR class thread!  These will be graded and count as a project/essay grade.  So be thoughtful.

HW12, Due 9/19: Kierkegaard!

1. Kierkegaard, print out and read the following sections: Life, Ethics, and Religion

2. Read and annotate “That Individual.”  Keep this in mind: You will have to write a précis on this text over the weekend.  The précis document is linked under class documents. [Read more…]