Archives for August 23, 2013


Dear Students and Families,

Welcome back to The Beacon School for the start of the 2013-14 school year and welcome to!  I am very excited to give e-life to a vision born a year or so ago.  Then, I envisioned using the web as a meaningful extension of my classroom where there would be resources aplenty and a communication hub.  After a summer of trial and many an error, here it is–our e-home away from home, Blackboarddreams!  Here, you and your family can access the following: homework assignments, updates on the happenings and direction of the class, complementary materials, writing and research resources, exemplars, a link back to the Beacon homepage, and so much more!  I am most excited about using this website as our e-community built on the Goodreads groups and the Blackboarddreams forums. We will use the Goodreads groups to examine author’s craft in search of a deeper understanding of the readings and to use those readings as a catalyst for critical discussion of our world and ourselves.

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