Archives for February 2, 2017

Due 2/6: Sonnet and Tongue Twister

1. Sonnets drafts are due Monday! This is the first of about a dozen original pieces that you will write for this class (excluding free write poetry). All formal poetry submissions must be formatted as follows:

They must be typed (times new roman or arial, font size 12) with the following heading in the upper left hand corner:

Your Name
Poetry Seminar
1. Sonnet

Title is optional!

The basic requirements of a traditional sonnet are the following:

  • 14 lines
  • iambic pentameter
  • rhyme scheme:
    • Shakespearean: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

Theme is up to you! To receive full credit, you must meet ALL (including heading format) of the above requirements.

2. Tongue Twister–Type a tongue twister! Play with consonant and vowel sounds. Feel free to make up a word or two or three. Have fun with it!

Due 2/6: Existentialism is a Humanism and Class Forum

1. Existentialism is a Humanism–Jean Paul Sartre is often the first name to come to mind when one considers Existentialism. His brand of atheistic existentialism so dominates the existential landscape that one forgets that the “first existentialist” Kierkegaard was indeed a theist. Nevertheless, Sartre’s essay most clearly defines the existential mindset. It becomes a fundamental piece of this course’s foundation.   Additionally, his essay establishes some of the tenets of existentialism that are universally applicable.  Read and ANNOTATE! Be sure you are able to discuss the four reproaches of existentialism and his defense against those reproaches.

2. Class Forum–Respond in this thread. DO NOT START A NEW THREAD. Remember, you must post your response by midnight Sunday. And bring a printed copy into class on Monday.