Due 3/27: The Alchemist and Forum

1. The Alchemist–Complete the novel.

2. Class Forum–The Alchemist

3. Class Forum–Summary of Essay Feedback

4. Siddhartha–Again, it would be great if you can pick up your own copy of Siddhartha. Click the link for the copy we will use in class.

5. Essay Revision–Remember, you are only revising the last body paragraph of your essay. You must highlight all changes made to the paragraph.

A look ahead:

1. (Due 3/28) Siddhartha–Print out and read the following links for Tuesday of next week:
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism 5 Minute Introduction
The Four Noble Truths/The Eightfold Path

Have the following printed for midweek next week:
2. Siddhartha Glossary–Print out and familiarize yourself with this list by Monday.
3. Conclusions–Print and keep this in your binder!
4. How to Write a Comparative Analysis–Print this out, Read it, and put it in your binder.


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