Due 3/20: The Alchemist and Live the Question

1. The Alchemist–Read and annotate up to p. 116 (stop with “The following night, the boy appeared at the alchemist’s tent with a horse.”)

2. (Due 3/20) Live the Question–Again, because of the posting snafu on Friday, I am amending the writing assignment. For Monday, you are to write a poem! Use the lines of verse to illustrate what it means to live one (or multiple) of your questions of self-interrogation. As you live the question in verse, you are expected to:

  • Rely on at least one controlling technique (i.e. rhyme, repetition, etc.) or device (i.e. the lynching scene in Wright’s “Between the World and Me”).
  • Rely on “painterly language” to show rather than tell. Again, Wright’s poem is a great example of a poem that relies on vivid imagery to show the reader the scene.
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