10G/H Reminders and HW

Monday, January 27th
Hours: 10-12 and 1-3 (note that I will be having lunch between 12 and 1). I will have a wee 2-4 minute chat with each of you.
Where: In the basement, Room B9, the room directly across from the college counselors office (Our classroom will be used for tests)
1. 1984 Essay final draft! I expect all of the “little things” to be taken care of. Very important: you must also bring in your graded second draft! Failure to do so means the grade in the books stays in the books. Do not staple the graded second draft to the final draft; use a paper clip.
2. Satire/Parody Term Final: Remember, in addition to the visual element (i.e. film), you must also turn in a written component (i.e. script).  If you are making a book then the written component would be the text within your book.
The following will be considered when assessing the satire/parody project:
* Project’s visual impact (The visual should be aesthetically pleasing…more simply, it should look amazing). Many of you are making films! Be thoughtful/creative in how you compose each shot and how you edit the film.
* The project should demonstrate control of satire and/or parody.
* Project is thoughtful. Beyond the visual element, the written element should also reflect great thought on subject and form.
* Project is well-designed/executed.
* Project reflects exceptional effort.  This one is very important as I (and my fellow assessors) expect to see a project that “took time and effort” to complete.
* All projects are expected to employ irony as one of the primary figurative elements to carry the project’s purpose/message. Be thoughtfully/creatively ironic!
3. On an index card, I want you to write two well-thought-out goals for the second term. Naturally, the goals must be related to our class.
4. Please return any novels you may have; be sure to remove post its! Some of you still did not turn in annotations for Slaughterhouse Five. Be sure to bring those in on Monday!
5. In preparation for the second term, clear out your binders. Keep only material related to writing instruction.

Due Monday, February 3
1. The Alchemist–Read and annotate p. 82 (stop with “Why do they make things so complicate?”)
2. Goodreads (the prompt will be posted on Monday, Jan. 27th)

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