Archives for November 1, 2017

Butterflies, Dickinson, and Alvarez

E1B, Due 11/3
E3A, Due 11/6

1. In the Time of Butterflies–Read and annotate the first two chapters. Focus your annotations on structure, style, and character observations/questions.

2. My Life has stood – a Loaded Gun and I felt a Funeral, in my Brain by Emily Dickinson–Be sure they are read and annotated.

2. Julia Alvarez–Be sure to have your notes ready for Friday as well.

Politics and the English Language

E4B, Due 11/3
E1A and E2A, Due 11/6

1. Politics and the English Language–Be sure it is read and annotated. During class I expect you to display control of Orwell’s argument and the points raised in development of that argument.