HW due 2/9: Evidence and working thesis

1. This weekend you will lay the foundation for our next essay. This is the heavy lifting if you will…the hard work. Naturally, you have chosen either 1984 or SH5 as the subject. Hopefully, as you read both novels, you tracked the author’s treatment of  chosen themes through his use of various devices/elements. This will be helpful as you gather evidence this weekend ultimately leading to your working thesis. You must bring in collected evidence and the accompanying thesis Tuesday. Group your evidence under various points of analysis. For example, suppose this point of analysis: Montana Wildhack represents the objectification of humanity. Then, that point of analysis would be followed by supporting/illuminating evidence. Keep in mind, there should be logical cohesion across the body of your essay.

Full disclosure, if you do not thoughtfully/meaningfully gather evidence, then your thesis will be as thoughtless/meaningless as your collection effort. Naturally, the thoughtful/meaningful gathering requires that you have closely read your chosen text.

First Draft–2/23
Final Draft–2/25

2. The Alchemist–We start this unit in the new week, so if you would like to buy your own copy, click the link.

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