Archives for January 13, 2017

Due 1/19: Term Final First Draft

1. Term Final–Complete first draft is due tomorrow. Please print and review the guidelines. Be sure to follow the essay guidelines. This stage of the writing process will be graded.

Due 1/17: Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapter 5. Heads up: This is a long chapter (nearly 50 pages). Here, Vonnegut lays the satire on thick! Please be prepared to discuss the subject(s) of his satire and how he conveys the satire.

Here’s the list of devices/elements thus far: Please Print

2. (Due Jan. 26th) Satire/Parody Term Final: Remember, in addition to the visual element (i.e. film), you must also turn in a written component (i.e. script).
The following will be considered when assessing the satire/parody project:
* Project’s visual impact/Cinematic Effect. Many of you are making films! Be thoughtful/creative in how you compose each shot (i.e. camera angles, shot variety, etc.). Creative use of costume, props, etc.  Pay close attention to lighting (i.e. poor lighting, backlighting, etc).
* The project should demonstrate control of satire and/or parody. Additionally, all projects are expected to employ irony as one of the primary figurative elements to carry the project’s purpose/message. Be thoughtfully/creatively/subtly ironic!
* Project is thoughtful. Beyond the visual element, the written element should also reflect great thought on subject and form. Clear, interesting conflict. Effective use of dialogue. Clear purpose to each scene.
* Project is thoughtfully/effectively edited. Smooth flow/transitions. Effective pacing. Attention to continuity.
* Project reflects exceptional effort.  This one is very important as I (and my fellow assessors) expect to see a project that “took time and effort” to complete.